Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Are you ready for life coaching?

Hurt or Injured
When we are hurt in life there’s an opportunity to generate second emotions. It is those secondary emotions that lead to issues that we have to deal with in our every day lives. Injuries are easily evident. When I break my leg of course I have to see a doctor, get it repaired and possibly wear a cast and submit to physical therapy on a consistent basis to get back to full use of my leg.
Trauma in life happens all the time. Trauma can be defined as an event that shakes our foundation of wholeness. Issues on the other hand are equivalent to flies at a barbecue. We would prefer no flies at our picnic, but we know that when we choose to enjoy nature we sometimes have to endure the creatures of nature as well. So we adjust our ability to deal with nature. You may put on insect repellant, have covers for your food, or possibly enjoy nature at a different time of day than when the bugs are inclined to be around.
Trauma requires a different form of rehabilitation then dealing with your issues. Not that one is more serious than the other, they are just different, and it is important to know that. If you have experienced a life trauma then you may need a psychiatrist or a psychologist. However, if you have experienced a life setback or inconvenience then you may need a life coach. So to go back to our picnic analogy. If there is a boa constrictor loose in your backyard, you will call a different kind of pest control professional than if you had moles in your backyard. The same is true with other pests, if you have some bugs causing a problem then you may still hire a professional or you may handle it yourself. We hire professionals when we can’t manage it alone.
Self-help is the equivalent of buying some Off spray for your mosquito problem. Life coaching is the equivalent of hiring a professional to teach you how to setup your yard for successful picnics and barbecues from here on out.
Life’s pesky pests can sometimes put a damper on the joy that life was meant to be. You can enjoy your whole life for the rest of your life with the right tools and guiding principles. I am a living testament to this truth. If your life is in a less than desirable state then it may be time for you to take concentrated action towards your goals. It is never too late.
Working with a life coach may be the next most appropriate step in your personal journey toward fulfillment. Stay tuned to my blog, my social media posts, and my YouTube channel to enjoy virtual coaching until you are ready to stretch yourself to that next level of living. Until next time…
Take care of you,

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